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Lista Bird Observatory is taken over by Birdlife Norway
After 25 years as an independent member organization, Lista Bird Observatory was from April 1st reorganized and the operation of the Observatory became a part of the Norwegian Ornithological Society (NOF), the Norwegian Birdlife partner. The Observatory will now be organized as a separate project in the main association and in some way a NOF national bird observatory.
Lista Bird Observatory has managed very well as a local organization for many years and has achieved a great deal; we are particularly satisfied with the large standardized ringing and observation database that has been collected over 25 years. A material so valuable that the Environment Directorate supports the annual Field work within the program for Terrestrial Monitoring (TOV). We are also very pleased with all visitors, volunteers, civil workers and employees who through the years have taken part at the observatory and together have had great bird and nature experiences at Lista Lighthouse Area.
When the annual meeting for the second time decided to put down the station as a member organization and transfer the assets to NOF, it was in many ways a result of the bird observatory being too successful, except in the area of local recruitment. The observatory was in some ways a Cuckoo chick who grew to be a little too big in relation to what one might expect that volunteers could take responsibility for and to administrate in their spare time. In particular the strict regimen of staffing for monitoring, to be an employer and being able to handle the ownership of the company Natur og Fritid as the station owned 50% of shares.
A connection to NOF provides the observatory with a stronger management to lean on. It allows the observatory to reach out and communicate to a wider audience as well as having a research department at NOF to liaise with. The fact NOF with open arms has accepted to run the observatory is a recognition of the work the observatory has done and the important material it possesses and also a desire to ensure continued operations. It is also a signal that NOF wants to make it possible for their members to visit and participate in the observatory operations with an important goal for the future being to engage more people in the operation and additionally offering courses and other activities to NOF members.
An important prerequisite that the acquisition could run reasonably easy was the trust that has been between the parties. The bird observatory wanted further increased activities, which NOF has confirmed that they will have and thus the matter was straightforward. The fact that Lista Bird Observatory's monitoring program already was a part of TOV with annual grants and the fact that Lista Bird Observatory had a value close to 3 million kroner in form of company shares in Natur og Fritid and bank deposits, did make the decision a lot easier for NOF. It is in many ways a package NOF has taken over, not a needy client.
Sorry, but we are outside of the spring and autum seasons.
Detailed log