![cssbody=[pbdy] cssheader=[phdr] header=[Collared Flycatcher] body=[Two species were recorded for the first time at the station during spring 2021. They were Capercaillie and Collared Flycatcher.<br / >] Collared Flycatcher](visbilde.asp?MaxW=620&MaxH=420&VisF=ON&BID=1554)
Collared Flycatcher Two species were recorded for the first time at the station during spring 2021. They were Capercaillie and Collared Flycatcher.
Report from spring 2021
![cssbody=[pbdy] cssheader=[phdr] header=[Eurasian Spoonbill] body=[Four Eurasian Spoonbills were migrating over the Lighthouse on June 5.] Eurasian Spoonbill](visbilde.asp?MaxW=250&MaxH=500&VisF=ON&BID=1555)
Eurasian Spoonbill Four Eurasian Spoonbills were migrating over the Lighthouse on June 5.
![cssbody=[pbdy] cssheader=[phdr] header=[European Shag] body=[The registered number of European Shag has been the highest since 1990 with 7.839 individuals observed migrating towards the NW during the spring.<br / >] European Shag](visbilde.asp?MaxW=250&MaxH=500&VisF=ON&BID=1556)
European Shag The registered number of European Shag has been the highest since 1990 with 7.839 individuals observed migrating towards the NW during the spring.
Lista Bird Observatory completed in 2021 its 32nd consecutive year of spring ringing campaign. The station has been run for a total of 87 days from March 15 until June 10. 13 mist-nets have been currently used on the standardized (138 meters). The result was a slightly higher number of birds than normal. 901 birds were caught (average for spring is 828) of 50 different species.
The total of birds ringed this spring has been 8.8% over average: 901 birds ringed (average for spring is 828) of 50 different species.
Weather The average temperature has been normal, with 0.1 ° C higher than normal from March 1 to May 31. The precipitation was less than half of the normal in April, while it rained more than usual during May. Average precipitation from March until May has been 6.8% under average. There have been 17 days without ringing, fairly like previous years with 17 days in 2020 and 19 days in 2019.
Ringing The number of ringed birds has been 8.8% over average and the number of species has been higher than last year. The "top 5 species" in the nets have been Willow Warbler (196), Robin (120), Starling (75), Blackcap (52) and Blackbird (48).
A total of 5 Wrynecks were ringed, while the normal is only one. The species was also seen in record numbers during the spring.
The big thrushes were ringed in low numbers. The Blackbird shows low ringing numbers since 2019 and the Fieldfare has not been ringed in the spring season since 2018. Songthrush and Redwing also show low ringing numbers in recent years.
Some species of small thrushes such as Robin, Wheatear, Whinchat and Black Redstart and Redstart were marked in normal numbers, while Redstart and Dunnock were marked in numbers below average. However, the Wren had high ringing numbers this spring. Two Stonechats were ringed and there have been a breeding pair in the area. This is the second time this species breeds in the lighthouse area since 1990. In addition, a Thrush Nightingale was seen this spring, which does not happen annually.
Blue Tits have been ringed above average and Great tits showed normal numbers. All the other Tit species were very scarce this spring. The number of finches showed in general very low ringing numbers, including Tree Sparrow, Chaffinch, Greenfinch, Siskin, Linnet and Redpoll. The same happened with Yellow-hammer and Reed Bunting. The spring 2021 was the third one in a row without any Rosefinch in the nets. House Sparrow and Twite are the only finches that have been ringed in numbers above average.
Most warblers have been ringed in high numbers. Marsh Warbler, Icterine Warbler, Lesser Whitethroat, Common Whitethroat, Garden Warbler, Chiffchaff and Willow Warbler showed higher numbers than normal. Garden Warbler, Blackcap and Wiilow Warbler have been ringed 77.7%, 93% and 56% respectively above average. In addition, a Blyth’s Leaf Warbler and a Wood Warbler were ringed this spring. Also 7 Pied Flycatchers were ringed this spring, while the normal is just over 3 ind.
The breeding Whetears have not been monitored in the station area as normal in 2021. Fewer ringers and staff were available this spring due to the coronavirus situation. Based on observations, we assume that the population was low or that it has been a bad breeding season, with only 7 nests found in the lighthouse area (Gunnarhaug, Vågsvollvåien, Vågsvollvika).
From January to June, 197 species were registered in the station area (one more than last year). Some species have been registered in very high numbers. Shag, Black-tailed Godwit and Razorbill had all their highest or second highest numbers since we started counting in 1990.
Other species of migratory seabirds also had high numbers in addition to the species mentioned above. Wigeon, Red-breasted Merganser, Great Northern Diver, White-tailed Eagle, Common Gull and Puffin were observed in far higher numbers than normal. Garganey, Shoveler, Goosander and Fulmar were, on the other hand, seen in numbers between 45% and 89% below average.
For many waders, both the number of birds and observations have become much lower during the last 5-6 years. This spring, Ringed Plover, Golden Plover, Lapwing, Ruff, Common Snipe, Bar-tailed Godwit, Whimbrel, Redshank, Greenshank, Turnstone and Green Sandpiper were registered with lower numbers than normal. Wood Sandpiper and Black-tailed Godwit showed higher numbers than usual.
The registered number of Lapwings in the area has been one of the lowest since 1990 with 880 individuals observed during the spring. No pairs have stayed in the area and thus not bred either.
There have been a high number of notable or rare species in the area during the spring. Two species received their first record at the station, Capercaillie and Collared Flycatcher. The most special observations otherwise were Surf Scoter, Little Egret, Stork, Spoonbill, Black Kite, Avocet, Bee-eater, Citrine Wagtail, Thrush Nightingale, Blyth’s Reed warbler, Rose-coloured Starling, Serin and Rustic Bunting.
The bird station continued to guide schools and private visitors in the spring in collaboration with the Visitor Center Wetland Lista. A total of 7 groups / schools have guided by the bird station. Adrien Brun (France), Lara Beckmann (Germany) and Gunnar Gundersen (Norway) have been volunteers at the station and collaborated with Nils H. Lorentzen, Charlotte Hallerud and Jan Erik Røer (main ringers this spring), as well as Aïda López who has been responsible for the fieldwork in the spring of 2021.
If you want to check the list of birds ringed during this spring, click HERE.
Sorry, but we are outside of the spring and autum seasons.
Detailed log