This picture is taken at the bird observatory area. Photo: Jan Erik Røer
The Chiffchaff is a migratory bird that breeds in large parts of Norway and the rest of Northern and Central Europe. It
has several subspecies being abietinus and collybita the abundant ones in Norway. Generally, the most common subspecies is abietinus, a coniferous forest bird most abundant in central Norway, in the Trøndelag region. However, the southern subspecies collybita, which prefers deciduous forest, seems to have established in southern Norway in recent decades, becoming numerous. It is probably mainly this subspecies that breeds at the Lista Lighthouse area.
In addition, more eastern Chiffchaffs are common in late autumn. Many of these are brown-gray birds that more or less resemble the subspecies tristis (Siberian Chiffchaff) with few or almost no yellow markings in the plumage.
At Lista Bird Observatory there are a few local breeding birds. However, the problem of separating the different individuals into subspecies complicates the overview. The Chiffchaff seems to be becoming more and more common in contrast to the Willow Warbler. A milder climate may possibly favor the Chiffchaff, which has a shorter migration than the Willow Warbler.