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Volunteers 2015-2018

Lista Bird Observatory offers the opportunity for volunteers to stay at the observatory for collaborating with biological and ornithological practice. Volunteers can be students who need to enrich their studies or training, or people who want to learn about bird ringing and our work at the station.

Here you can read a short description of the last volunteers that have been at the station.

In 2018:

Anne-Marie bilde

Rafael García
Rafa is a biologist and wildlife manager from Asturias. He works as environmental educator in Picos de Europa (Spain). He is co-author of a nature blog called “GNature”, which explains some of the activities that he and his colleagues make in relation to nature. In his free time, he tries to increase his knowledge and continue studying and improving his experiences with wildlife.

Anne-Marie bilde

Isabel Miranda
Isa comes from Huelva and she is biologist and wildlife manager. She is co-author of the nature blog “GNature”, where she and her colleagues try to make nature more accessible to the general public. She works as an environmental educator, and as volunteer in different places where she can learn more about the local fauna through ringing and birdwatching. She has seen many new bird species at Lista!

Anne-Marie bilde

Lina Birkner
Lina is a Master studient in Landscape Ecology from Münster, Germany. Since she started her studies, she became more interested in birdwatching. She gained knowledge on bird identification through internships, excursions and activities in her free time. She looks forward to get to know the every day life at Lista bird observatory and make her first ringing experiences.

Anne-Marie bilde

Gisle Skancke
Gisle lives in Kristiansand and is biologist. He has been a teacher for 20 years, and has always been particularly interested in birds. He spent a lot of time at Jomfruland Bird Observatory since he was 15 until he was 20 years old. Since it was so long since he had worked at a bird station, he wanted to volunteer at Lista and learn a little more about ringing and bird migration.

Anne-Marie bilde

Samuele Ramellini
Samuele comes from Rome, Italy. He is going to study Natural Sciences in Milan from September on. He’s been working with invasive species and mainly with the Red-Billed Leiothrix. Now he’s working on song competition between autochthonous and invasive species. He’s also studying nocturnal migration and he’s come to Lista to improve his skills in ringing and to try studying nocturnal migration.

Anne-Marie bilde

Ida Verbraeken
Ida comes from Amsterdam, The Netherlands. She is studying Applied Biology and is currently in her third year. During her previous internship she has been working with House Sparrows and Common Swifts, and for her thesis she'll probably do research about Great Bitterns. She has come to Lista to improve her bird identification- and sea-watching skills and learn bird ringing, while this is part of her internship at Aeres University of Applied Sciences.

Anne-Marie bilde

Konstantin Lebus
Konstantin is from Münster, Germany. He has studied landscape ecology and wrote his master thesis about the migration behaviour of Northern Wheatears at Helgoland Bird Observatory. After that, he went bird ringing at the Atlantic Bird Observatory in Canada. He has come to Lista to improve his skills on bird ringing and seawatching. He is very excited to work with Wheatears again!

In 2017:

Anne-Marie bilde
Pep Cantó
Pep comes from Alcoi, south-east Spain. He is an ornithologist and wildlife artist. He works as a nature technician in Font Roja Natural Park (Alcoi, Spain). He is an experienced ringer and runs a constant effort site since 13 years ago. He is interested in moult and biometry studies. He has come to Lista to know other working methodologies and see the different species that migrate through here.

Anne-Marie bilde
Grigory Evtukh
Grigory is from Moscow. He studies biology with special focus on ornithology at the Moscow State University. He has previously ringed in Moscow and Northern Russia. He likes nature photography and has come to Lista to learn more about ringing and identification. It is the first time he is in a Bird Observatory in Europe and we are very proud of him choosing Lista!

Anne-Marie bilde
Bruna Roqué
Bruna comes from Barcelona. Her interest for wildlife started when she was young and has been volunteering at several nature summer camps in the Pyrinees. She started studing Forest Engineering in Catalonia and has become a professional natural history illustrator. She is studying to be a bird ringer since 4 years ago, participating in several migration campaigns in Spain.

Anne-Marie bilde
Torben Langer
Torben comes from Northern Germany and has just finished his Master’s degree in international nature conservation. He made his first bird ringing experience in Greece and has also gained further bird ID and survey skills while working in Sweden and Latvia. He has come to Lista to increase his identification skills on the sea bird monitoring.

Anne-Marie bilde
Paulien Vanhauwere
Paulien is a Master student in Biology from Belgium. Her interests in Birds and Animals in general were next to her studies encouraged by being part of the youth movement for nature and environment (JNM). During her Erasmus in Trondheim, she got to know Lista Bird Observatory. She has come to Lista to learn how to ring birds and improve her bird ID skills while assisting in sea bird monitoring.
In 2016:

Anne-Marie bilde
Nick Hart
Nick grew up in Zimbabwe where he started birding at a young age, and where he first learned how to ring birds. He now lives in Perth, Australia where he studies zoology and genetics at university, while still birdwatching and ringing in his spare time. Currently he is on a three-month holiday travelling around Europe, including one month volunteering at Lista which is his first time ringing European birds!

Anne-Marie bilde
Charlotte Hallerud
Charlotte has a masters degree in biology from NTNU, which is were her interest for birds and bird ringing began. She participated in a ringing course at Lista in May, and is now back as a volunteer to get som more training in bird ringing and learn more about monitoring of birds! She is working for getting the license soon.

Anne-Marie bilde
Robin Joy
Robin comes from South West England. He is currently in his final year of a Natural Sciences degree. After birding as young boy he has rediscovered his interest in birds in the last few years. Following a summer volunteering on a jackdaw study in the UK, he has come to Lista to learn how to ring. He is also eager to improve his ID skills and gain some survey experience. He got to ring his first birds at Lista, being the first one a Goldcrest!

Anne-Marie bilde
Einar Selvåg
Einar comes from Tysvær, Haugesund. His interest for birds started when he was 10 years old. Nowadays he is using most of his free time in bird ringing and some birding tours. Einar is a professional cook and has got a free permit at work this autumn. He has taken this opportunity to spend some time at Lista Bird Observatory as a volunteer, helping out with the migration counts and the ringing of Blue Tits, Owls and migrating species.

Anne-Marie bilde
Karin Schlechta
Karin is a professional musician. She studied Violin at the Conservatory of Vienna (AUT). She plays in several orchestras in Vienna and teaches Violin in a music School. Since her sabbatical year in Australia (2010) she is heavily into birds and spends most of her free time birdwatching. She has also studied biology at the University of Vienna and visited several Bird Observatories around the world in Australia, Canada, Sweden and Austria. She is eager to increase her identification skills of seabirds and to get more ringing experience with the help of the Lista-Team.

Anne-Marie bilde
Back to Lista BO for the third time, it has become a point to put down a few days here in my calendar, have become very fond of this place! Just finished first year of my bachelor degree in ecology and natural resource management at NMBU university. The interest for birds and nature in general is ever growing and I am understanding more and more the importance of collecting standardized data. I hope to manage to come to LIBO more times this autumn and the upcoming spring!

Anne-Marie bilde
Karmele Gallastegi
Karmele comes from the Basque Country. After studying forest management, she started ringing in several volunteer projects and she liked it so much that she decided to prepare to become a bird ringer. Now she is at Lista trying to get more knowledge about sea bird identification. She is also getting prepared for the bird ringing exam while she meets new people. In the Aranzadi Society of Sciences she got to know Svana.

Anne-Marie bilde
Svana Rogalla
Svana is a German student of Landscape Ecology. Karmele and Svana got along so well that they have come together to Lista Bird Observatory and will travel through Norway the next weeks. Svana, before getting her first bird ringing experiences at Aranzadi, has been working with sea turtles in Greece, studying grass snakes in Germany and photoidentyfying whales in Iceland. Now she is looking forward to assisting in the sea bird monitoring and ring birds with us.

Anne-Marie bilde
Njål Sølvberg
Njål is from Sandnes but lived at Lista from 1963 to 1971. He has been a member of NOF since 1964 and is now retired. Njål wants to learn more about ornithology by joining the standardized ringing and the station work. Njål has a holiday home at Lista and now have the time and opportunity to be a more active ringer and birdwatcher. He comes to the observatory quite often and is very useful!
In 2015:

Anne-Marie bilde
Marte Fandrem
Marte has just finished her master’s degree in Ecology at NMBU in Ås. She had her first attempts of ringing during an exchange semester in Australia in 2014, which was followed by participation in a ringing project in the rainforest of Borneo as part of her master thesis. She hopes she can continue to work with birds, and is very grateful for the opportunity to learn more about ringing and especially ring and observe European birds here at Lista.

Anne-Marie bilde
Nina O'Hanlon
Nina O'Hanlon is from the UK and is currently studying a PhD at the University of Glasgow on Herring Gull movements and diet, using pellets and stable isotopes. She is a trainee bird ringer and has visited several bird observatories, such as Calf of Man Bird and Spurn Bird Observatories. She has come to Lista to get more experience in ringing and observing birds on migration, being already able to see new species like the Three-toed Woodpecker, Pygmy and Tengmalm's Owls.

Anne-Marie bilde
Tone Kjersti Kåsi
Tone Kjersti has studied biology and a master's degree in ecology at NTNU in Trondheim. Master's thesis she submitted in 2012 was about how climate and weather conditions affected the snow bunting's breeding success. She has taken an academic year focused in pedagogy (PPU) and worked as a teacher substitute for two years in addition to being field assistant for NINA in Trondheim. She is eager to learn more about bird identification and get practical experience with bird ringing.

Anne-Marie bilde
Jon Hagelin
Jon just finished a master's degree in biology, ecology and evolution, at the University of Oslo. He has been fascinated by birds since he was a child. His interest started through bird feeding in winter, Black Grouse in spring and nesting boxes projects. His last studies finished with a thesis about the Bluethroat’s breeding distribution. Jon is very pleased to have the opportunity to assist with the operation at Lista Bird Observatory, and to have the opportunity to learn more about bird ringing and migratory birds. On this picture he handles his first Blackcap.

Anne-Marie bilde
Cristina Sellarès
Cristina studied biology in Barcelona (Catalonia) and St Andrews (Scotland). She also did a master on Wildlife Biology and Conservation. She has worked for Whalesafari Andenes (Norway), the RSPCA, the RSPB, Jersey Zoo, the National Birds of Prey Centre (the UK), the Parc del Garraf, Falklands Conservation, and as an environmental consultant. She is currently working for the National Trust for Jersey leading the project “Birds On The Edge” to stop the declines of the local birds on the island of Jersey. She has come to Lista to improve her ringing skills and to learn new species.

Anne-Marie bilde
Anne-Marie Austad
Anne-Marie grew up in Malta and moved to Norway one year ago. This is the first time she comes to LIBO and is already eager to come back. She has a norwegian B ringing license and has been a ringing trainee for a year in Malta. She is now waiting to start a bachelor degree in Ecology and Management of Natural Resources at NMBU (Norwegian University of Life Sciences).

Emelie bilde
Emilie Shuttlewood
Emilie is volunteering with the observatory during May 2015. Graduating with an Ecology and Conservation degree from Manchester Metropolitan University, she is now eager to increase her practical conservation skills. She has undertaken a field project assessing habitat management in Tenerife, Spain, as well as a study addressing the reintroduction of mammals to the UK. She has a keen interest in ornithology and is happy to be part of the Lista team, having ringed her first bird here, a willow warbler.

Ringing numbers
This season512
Top 3 today:
Common Redstart1
Detailed log

Reportasje fra Lista FS
i Aftenposten

Seasonal deviation
Eurasian Siskin30-99%
Sedge Warbler9-97%
Common Murre1-95%
Common Stonechat50+741%
European Goldfinch940+685%
Black-tailed Godwit90+548%
Rock Dove759+381%
View deviation of seasons

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Fyrveien 6
NO-4563 Borhaug Tlf: 949 86 793