Bird exhibition at Nordberg Fort, Lista
The exhibition Fugletrekkets gåter: The Mystery of Bird Migration - 100 year of Bird ringing in Norway, will be displayed at Lista Museum at Nordberg Fort from 29th of March. It is a close connection between the theme of this exhibition and the work we do at Lista Bird Observatory. Take the tour to Nordberg, see the exhibition, and find out!
Last year the exhibition Fugletrekkets gåter was presented at Stavanger Museum. It is a mobile exhibition now displayed at Agder naturmuseum og botaniske hage, Kristiansand. It will remain at Nordberg Fort, Lista, from March 29 until August 31.
The exhibition is a collaboration between StavangerMuseum (MUST), the Environment Agency and Naturama on the occasion of the birdringing’s 100th anniversary in Norway. Stavanger Museum is the Norwegian Ringing Centre and the purpose of the exhibition is to show the importance of the research and how it has helped us to understand the birds' incredible migration patterns throughout the seasons and their lifecycle.
More information at:
Fugletrekkets gåter - 100 år med ringmerking i Norge (PDF)
Sorry, but we are outside of the spring and autum seasons.
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