LIBO and Jomfruland Annual repport 2013
A new report from Lista and Jomfruland bird observatories is published. The full report (in Norwegian) can be downloaded.
In 2013, especially birds that feed on invertebrates taken from the ground, like Lapwings and Woodcock, got serious problems in the early spring. A portion of the first Lapwings that arrived to Norway, nesting at Lista, died of cold / starvation.
It was unusually cold throughout Europe in this period and the first migratory birds that arrived was evidently in very poor condition.
Regarding the ringing data, some of the species showed a clear high occurrence in 2013 in both Lista and Jomfruland, such as Great Spotted Woodpecker, Barn Swallow, Tree Pipit, Blackcap (spring), Garden Warbler (spring), Icterine Warbler, Whitethroat, Spotted Flycatcher and Red-Backed Shrike.
Some others showed a clear low occurrence that year, such as Rock Pipit, Fieldfare, Starling, Eurasian Tree Sparrow and Greenfinch.
Read the report:Bestandsovervåking ved Jomfruland- og Lista fuglestasjoner i 2013.
Sorry, but we are outside of the spring and autum seasons.
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