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Volunteers 2015

Lista Bird Observatory offers the opportunity for volunteers to stay at the observatory for collaborating with biological and ornithological practice. Volunteers can be students who need to enrich their studies or training, or people who want to learn about bird ringing and our work at the station.

Here you can read a short description of the last volunteers that have been at the station.

Anne-Marie bilde
Marte Fandrem
Marte has just finished her master’s degree in Ecology at NMBU in Ås. She had her first attempts of ringing during an exchange semester in Australia in 2014, which was followed by participation in a ringing project in the rainforest of Borneo as part of her master thesis. She hopes she can continue to work with birds, and is very grateful for the opportunity to learn more about ringing and especially ring and observe European birds here at Lista.

Anne-Marie bilde
Nina O'Hanlon
Nina O'Hanlon is from the UK and is currently studying a PhD at the University of Glasgow on Herring Gull movements and diet, using pellets and stable isotopes. She is a trainee bird ringer and has visited several bird observatories, such as Calf of Man Bird and Spurn Bird Observatories. She has come to Lista to get more experience in ringing and observing birds on migration, being already able to see new species like the Three-toed Woodpecker, Pygmy and Tengmalm's Owls.

Anne-Marie bilde
Tone Kjersti Kåsi
Tone Kjersti has studied biology and a master's degree in ecology at NTNU in Trondheim. Master's thesis she submitted in 2012 was about how climate and weather conditions affected the snow bunting's breeding success. She has taken an academic year focused in pedagogy (PPU) and worked as a teacher substitute for two years in addition to being field assistant for NINA in Trondheim. She is eager to learn more about bird identification and get practical experience with bird ringing.

Anne-Marie bilde
Jon Hagelin
Jon just finished a master's degree in biology, ecology and evolution, at the University of Oslo. He has been fascinated by birds since he was a child. His interest started through bird feeding in winter, Black Grouse in spring and nesting boxes projects. His last studies finished with a thesis about the Bluethroat’s breeding distribution. Jon is very pleased to have the opportunity to assist with the operation at Lista Bird Observatory, and to have the opportunity to learn more about bird ringing and migratory birds. On this picture he handles his first Blackcap.

Anne-Marie bilde
Cristina Sellarès
Cristina studied biology in Barcelona (Catalonia) and St Andrews (Scotland). She also did a master on Wildlife Biology and Conservation. She has worked for Whalesafari Andenes (Norway), the RSPCA, the RSPB, Jersey Zoo, the National Birds of Prey Centre (the UK), the Parc del Garraf, Falklands Conservation, and as an environmental consultant. She is currently working for the National Trust for Jersey leading the project “Birds On The Edge” to stop the declines of the local birds on the island of Jersey. She has come to Lista to improve her ringing skills and to learn new species.

Anne-Marie bilde
Anne-Marie Austad
Anne-Marie grew up in Malta and moved to Norway one year ago. This is the first time she comes to LIBO and is already eager to come back. She has a norwegian B ringing license and has been a ringing trainee for a year in Malta. She is now waiting to start a bachelor degree in Ecology and Management of Natural Resources at NMBU (Norwegian University of Life Sciences).

Emelie bilde
Emilie Shuttlewood
Emilie is volunteering with the observatory during May 2015. Graduating with an Ecology and Conservation degree from Manchester Metropolitan University, she is now eager to increase her practical conservation skills. She has undertaken a field project assessing habitat management in Tenerife, Spain, as well as a study addressing the reintroduction of mammals to the UK. She has a keen interest in ornithology and is happy to be part of the Lista team, having ringed her first bird here, a willow warbler.

Ringing numbers
This season455
Detailed log

Reportasje fra Lista FS
i Aftenposten

Seasonal deviation
Snow Bunting2-93%
Crested Tit1-93%
Northern Fulmar29-92%
Lapland Longspur3-90%
Common Murre1596+1480%
Pink-footed Goose166+1146%
European Goldfinch590+735%
View deviation of seasons

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Siste 5 på siden
  Begynnerkurs i ringmerking: 17.-18. august
  The annual report for 2023 is available!
  Fuglefestival 2.-3. september
  Report from spring 2023
  Ny rapport: Måling av elektromagnetiske feltstyrke fra fugleradar ved Lista fyr.

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