News from Lista Bird Observatory
Here are the latest news from Lista Bird Observatory
Norwegian record for pied wagtails at Lista (21.03.2014)
The first wagtails to show up every year is a welcomed sign that spring is coming, and some of the first individuals to arrive every year belong to the subspecies pied wagtail. Normally, only a few individuals are seen every year, but this year something out of the ordinary has happened.
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NRK innslag om glente på Dagsrevyen 21 (13.03.2014)
Våren er kommet for fullt til Lista, og det har også de første trekkfuglene med vipe og stær. Ikke uventet dukker også de første sjeldenhetene opp. Mandag 10.mars hadde Geir Birkeland gleden av å oppdage en glente. Så dukket NRK opp og laget innslag med Geir som fortalte villig om vårens første fugleeventyr.
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New report from Jomfruland and Lista (07.03.2014)
Lista and Jomfruland bird observatories monitor migrating birds, both via mist netting and through direct migration counts. Both observatories have long time series with monitoring data, documenting population trends for numerous species. The observatories report from the monitoring programme to the Norwegian Environment Agency annually.
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Norways latest autumn record of Subalpine Warbler at Lista (29.10.2013)
Friday 25th October was a busy day at Lista Bird Observatory. A good number of birds in the field was topped with a male Subalpine Warbler, first found in the field and later captured in the net.
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Mystery Bird at Lista Bird Observatory (22.09.2013)
On September 18 this mysterious bird was trapped and caused some real identification problems.
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Earlier migration of greylag geese (15.08.2013)
Autumn migration for greylag geese peaks in Southern Norway these days, and many greylags are seen crossing the Lista peninsula. We present an analysis of the migration counts from Lista Bird Observatory from 1990 until 2012 showing that the peak of migration has moved forward in time compared to the 90s. While autumn migration seems to be strongly influenced by the start of the hunting season, spring migration could be influenced by the earlier arrival of spring. The shift in spring migration corresponds to about one week, and for autumn migration the shift is approximately two weeks.
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A good start of autumn campaign 2013 (24.07.2013)
The 24th autumn season started at Lista Bird Observatory a little over a week ago. The ringing campaign has started well, with sunny days, warm and calm weather, and many young birds around. By the 23rd of July we have ringed 421 birds og 32 species.
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Vågsvollvåien, fuglekikking og ferdsel (14.06.2013)
Stasjonsområdet til Lista Fuglestasjon ligger midt i Norges kanskje mest spennende fugleområde. Lett tilgjengelighet og stor aktivitet av fuglekikkere kombinert med stor artsrikdom og svært mange sjeldenheter, gjør det ønskelig med en felles forståelse av hvordan fuglekikkere bør oppføre seg i området. Dette av hensyn til sårbart fugleliv, lokalbefolkning, landbruksnæring og ikke minst fuglekikkere og fuglestasjonens virke i området. Dette gjør at vi noen ganger ønsker å ta opp problemer i området og oppfordre til løsninger.
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This season | 949 |
Today | 31 |
Top 3 today: |
| Yellowhammer | 8 |
Blue Tit | 6 |
Goldcrest | 5 |
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