![cssbody=[pbdy] cssheader=[phdr] header=[Rugde] body=[En rugde på trekk forbi Lista.] Rugde](visbilde.asp?MaxW=620&MaxH=420&VisF=ON&BID=1061)
Rugde En rugde på trekk forbi Lista.
One surprise, but otherwise a quiet start of spring 2012
![cssbody=[pbdy] cssheader=[phdr] header=[Male blackbird] body=[Mostly blackbirds ringed during the first two weeks of spring 2012.] Male blackbird](visbilde.asp?MaxW=250&MaxH=500&VisF=ON&BID=661)
Male blackbird Mostly blackbirds ringed during the first two weeks of spring 2012.
The observatory is open again for spring, since March 15th. It has been a quiet start of the season with mostly blackbirds in the mist nest - and surprisingly enough a woodcock.
By M. Wold
The spring migration of most passerines have not come far enough yet to pass over Lista, so it has been a quiet start of season. During the first two weeks we have ringed mostly blackbirds, but also a few yellowhammers and robins, as well as a chiff chaff and a goldcrest.
The big surprise during these first two weeks was a woodcock caught in one of the mist nets early one morning. The woodcocks are migrating now, and many are passing by Lista these days. Game and Wildlife Conservation Trust in the UK has an interesting research project to find out where the woodcocks that winter in the UK fly to breed for the summer. The birds are wearing small transmitters, and the link below has a map showing where the birds are now. Some of them are in Norway. Woodcockwatch
Many are waiting for the update from the ringing room to come online again. Unfortunately, a cable got damaged during the winter, and has to be replaced. We are working on this, and will hopefully be online soon.
We also welcome the observatory ringer-in-charge Richard Cope welcome back for a new season at Lista!
Sorry, but we are outside of the spring and autum seasons.
Detailed log