Birdwatchers counting from the new platform.
We've got a new platform!!
Cement cover on the bunker's hole.
Migration counts from the bench.
During the last year we have got the permits and a grant to build a platform at the Lista Fyr area, close to the parking lot.
We have been thinking for many years of building a platform for bird watching from a spot protected from the northwestern winds. We run the migration counts every morning, and when the wind blows from NW, we stand behind the Art Gallery garden (at the tower kiosk with the Kennedy image). There is where the platform is now.
Now the platform is finished, ready to be used by the staff at Lista Bird Observatory and any other public. The result is awesome!
There is a great view from the new platform, where we have a great overview of the birds that fly through Borhaug, Gunnarsmyra, Vågsvollvåien, Ronodden and the sea. This is a very comfortable place that we will use to do the bird counts every morning.
We have received support from the Gjensidig Foundation, which provides expertise and financial support to create a safer, healthier and more active society.
The platform now has a fence 90 cm high and the hole in the bunker has been covered with a concrete lid so nobody can fall down there.
The bunker is also closed by a gate so that no one can walk up easily to the bunker and fall down.
We thank the Gjensidig Foundation, Farsund Municipality, County Governor, County Conservator, Visitor Center wetland Lista, Gaia Architects and the landowners to help develop the project!
You are all welcome to come, see and use the platform !!