![cssbody=[pbdy] cssheader=[phdr] header=[School children's meeting with a siskin] body=[Richard Cope, responsible for bird ringing at Lista Bird Observatory, shows a newly ringed male siskin.] School children's meeting with a siskin](visbilde.asp?MaxW=620&MaxH=420&VisF=ON&BID=505)
School children's meeting with a siskin Richard Cope, responsible for bird ringing at Lista Bird Observatory, shows a newly ringed male siskin.
School visit at Lista Bird Observatory
![cssbody=[pbdy] cssheader=[phdr] header=[Farsund Ungdomsskole visiting the bird observatory.] Farsund Ungdomsskole visiting the bird observatory.](visbilde.asp?MaxW=250&MaxH=500&VisF=ON&BID=504)
Farsund Ungdomsskole visiting the bird observatory.
![cssbody=[pbdy] cssheader=[phdr] header=[Migrating brent geese.] body=[Illustrative photo, taken by Niklas Holmström.] Migrating brent geese.](visbilde.asp?MaxW=250&MaxH=500&VisF=ON&BID=506)
Migrating brent geese. Illustrative photo, taken by Niklas Holmström.
On Thursday around 60 students from Farsund Ungdomsskole visited Lista Bird Observatory. As experienced by the groups arriving first, it pays off to show up early if one wants to see birds. There were enough birds in the nets to demonstrate bird ringing for several of the students. The school was also lucky with their choice of day for visiting, as this was the day that the brent geese passed by Lista on their way from Denmark to Svalbard.
By M. Wold As a part of their natural science education Farsund Ungdomsskole had chosen a visit to Lista Bird Observatory. The birds are more active in the early morning hours, and starting at 09 paid off with six-seven birds in the nets for the first group. Mostly siskins were caught and ringed, but also one of the more well-known house sparrows.
Richard Cope, responsible for running the bird nets at the observatory, demonstrated the art of bird ringing and also showed off the very smart-looking siskins that we see so many off these days. As the wind picked up in the later morning hours, the nets had to be closed. The last group therefore didn't get to see bird ringing, and when they checked the last net kept open at the end of the day, it was unfortunately empty.
The school was very lucky with their choice of day to come and visit, as the brent geese were expected to pass by Lista in great numbers on this day. The brent feese are surprisingly precise in their migration patterns, and they pass by Lista every spring in the late days of May. The migration is concentrated around just a few days, and the majority of the brent geese pass by during a few days bracketing the 26.-27. of May. Some local birders were in place already at 05 in the morning waiting for the event to happen. Several hundred brent geese passed by in the morning hours, and the students got to study them through powerful telescopes in the Lighthouse garden.
Sorry, but we are outside of the spring and autum seasons.
Detailed log