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Ringed nuthatch
Mist netting and migration counts, trends from autumn 2012.

Ringed jay

Red-backed Shrike
Red-backed Shrike
Individuals ringed at the marsh and in the monitoring program

Individuals ringed, autumn 2005 - 2012

Logged individuals, autumn 2005 - 2012

Common Scoter
Common Scoter
Logged individuals, autumn 2006 - 2012

This autumn was marked by rough weather and long periods between good catching conditions in the mist nets. But in spite of this, some species appeared in good numbers. The field coverage was particularly good, and migration counts of seabirds gave new records for common scoter and gannet. Raptor migration was however very moderate. Richard Cope had his last season at the bird observatory in 2012. After working as a ringer with us for three consecutive seasons, and doing an excellent job for the observatory, he is now back in the UK. Aida Lopez, who worked together with him as an assistant ringer last season, will be back next year and in charge of the mist netting campaign at Lista Bird Observatory.

By T. Bentsen

The ringing totals for the standardized mist netting ended up at 5100 birds, distributed over 71 different species. There is thus a decrease in the totals compared to autumn season in 2010 (6844 individuals) and 2011 (6623 individuals). For autumn 2009, ringing totals ended up at 3657 individuals, probably because there was no major movement from blue tits that autumn.
The number of ringed red-backed shrikes went up again after several bad years.
Nuthatches were also moving a lot around this autumn, and ended up in the nets in unusually high numbers.

Whinchat has a marked downward trend and reached a new minimum in the number of logged individuals. Ringing numbers of whinchat show a similar trend, particularly from autumn 2006 and the years up to 2012.

A nuthatch ringed on 17th of September was controlled on Giljastølen in Rogaland County on October 11. This may indicate that nuthatches move in a similar manner as the blue tits, with an Eastern origin and migration westward after passing the Lista peninsula.

Jays also had good numbers this season, and many were logged in the field. The jays probably also move in an east - west direction.

Chiffchaff, Tengmalm`s owl and meadow pipit were ringed in high numbers in 2011, and went back to average in 2012. Other species with ringing numbers below average are: goldcrest, blackcap, garden warbler, willow warbler, wheatear, starling and tree sparrow. A poor breeding season for several of these species, and in addition to the bad weather conditions this autumn might be the explanation for the decrease in ringing totals.

Pine grosbeaks appeared as an invasion species in much of the country during late autumn, but the Lista bird observatory was barely affected. Only three observations of pine grosbeaks were recorded. A possible explanation is that the berries in the area were already stripped away by the thrushes, and thus not much were left to feed on. During previous invasions of pine grosbeaks in 2006 and 1998, the number of recorded individuals were 85 and 445 individuals, respectively, and these numbers are probably more representative for an invasion.

Another berry-eater did their part of stipping the berry bushes; flocks of waxwings arrived in October and held sway throughout November in gradually diminishing numbers. Performance of the year of 2378 individuals is beaten only by the autumn of 2010, which had a total of 3371 individuals. Fieldfares were also numerous this autumn, one must go back to 2001 to find more logged individuals for autumn season.

The observatory wishes to thank everyone who has been volunteering with the ringing campaign and the migration counts, and hope to see everyone back here again in the spring. By then, we will provide increased comfort in the form of a brand new sea watching hide!

Ringing numbers
This season298
Detailed log

Reportasje fra Lista FS
i Aftenposten

Seasonal deviation
Arctic Tern1-97%
European Golden Plover2-97%
Great Skua1-96%
Common House Martin4-96%
Sedge Warbler4-95%
Greylag Goose1507+762%
Rock Dove104+596%
European Shag374+565%
Mute Swan66+547%
European Goldfinch109+522%
View deviation of seasons

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  The annual report for 2023 is available!
  Fuglefestival 2.-3. september 2023
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