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25th Anniversary LiBO 28-30th August
On 28-30th August Lista Bird Observatory celebrates its 25th anniversary with feast and activities throughout the weekend!
Here are exciting things for everyone, from the professional birdwatcher to the local family on tour. We celebrate 25 years of bird monitoring and also that the bird station is now taken over by the main association of NOF (Norwegian Ornithological Society). In addition, we have received several new bird hides in the area and new ponds in a more accessible Slevdalsvann Wetland.
The event is opened to all, but the anniversary dinner and some events have a participation fee. The weekend is a field meeting for bird-watchers and NOF members with great activities and social life. Our wish is that many will take the opportunity to meet in the field of informal competitions and public enjoyment, and that this may be something to build on in the future as an annual bird festival or similar.
We are still in the planning phase, so there might still be small changes on our program. Here we present the PRELIMINARY PROGRAM (pdf)
More info (in Norwegian)
Sorry, but we are outside of the spring and autum seasons.
Detailed log