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Team Alcatraz and Jæren1 at Lista Bird Race.
Team Alcatraz and Jæren1 at Lista Bird Race.
Great Bird Festival!

Barbecue at Nordberg Fort
Barbecue at Nordberg Fort

Bjørn Mo, Andreas Gullberg and Gunnar Gundersen.
Bjørn Mo, Andreas Gullberg and Gunnar Gundersen.

Team Lifu Pure and Lommerlerka at Lista Bird Race
Team Lifu Pure and Lommerlerka at Lista Bird Race

Black Tern at Lista Bird Race
Black Tern at Lista Bird Race
The only rare species seen during the day, found by Bjørn Mo.

The weekend 22.-23rd August we celebrated the Lista Bird Festival and it went great! Despite a slightly more modest arrangement due to the corona situation and accompanying infection control measures, there was good support and good feedback from the participants during this weekend's festival!

Compared to previous years, the area for the Lista Bird Race was reduced (see photo below). This year we recommended walking or using a bicycle. There was only one team that decided to cycle and it was actually the team that observed more species in the competition with 100 species registered during the day!

Although there was no ringing on Saturday due to the wind (both at the lighthouse and at Slevdalsvann), a total of 129 species were observed, only 5 species fewer than last year. At that time, the entire Farsund municipality was included in the competition. In total, there were 6 new "festival species": Fulmar, Manx Shearwater, Black Tern, European Stonechat, March Warbler and Wood Warbler.

Many teams started the day by looking for seabirds at Lista lighthouse. Then the teams spread around the bird station area and Slevdalsvann. All teams together registered 129 species (134 species last year) this day. One team reached 100 species. The 3 best teams found 100, 99 and 95 species, respectively. These teams were team "Alcatraz", "Jæren 1" and "Lifu Pure".

The only rare species found during the day that resulted in extra points was the Black Tern (found by "Jæren 1"). This year as last year, both the competitors and other visiting birders could enjoy good barbecue food, good drinks and excellent homemade salad made by Anne Noddeland after finishing the Bird Race in the evening. Then it was time to move into the building at Nordberg fort, where this year's lecture took place. Jan Erik Røer gave a lecture on the results of 30 years of bird monitoring at Lista Bird Observatory.

After the lecture, it was time to vote «Norwegian champion in bird watching 2020». Jan Erik Røer thanked everyone for their attendance and efforts, and went through the results list from the Bird Race.

Then the participants from the three best teams started the quiz to choose the winner. Jonas Langbråten was the quiz master, and presented a series of pictures of individual birds or flocks of birds that were to be species determined and counted in a few seconds, a real test for field ornithologists. It was smooth and exciting. There were extra rounds between the "top 3", which were impossible to distinguish after the first 25 quiz pictures. The winner was in the end, as in 2019, Bjørn Mo from "Jæren 1", while a previous winner Andreas Gullberg from the team "The Vikings" took second place. Third place went to the local field ornithologist Gunnar Gundersen from the team «Alcatraz».

Sunday was the family day at Lista lighthouse, with various events for both children and adults. You could participate in ringing in the morning with the bird station staff. At 12 o'clock there was a bird walk in the lighthouse area led by Jonas Langbråten. Here, those present could see i.a. resting Brent Geese and a Sandwitch Tern in Vågsvollvåien. Jonas also ended the day by leading a new tour in the afternoon, this time under the Naturlos guiding. This trip went to Nordhasselvika and Tjørveneset, where the focus was on the waders on Lista beaches. Natur og Fritid shop was also open on Sunday, and visitors here could test the Swarovski's new binocular NL Pure.

The number of species for the Bird Race 2020 is as follows:

100 Alcatraz, 99 Jæren1, 95 Lifu Pure, 94 The Vikings, 87 Adger United, 72 Woodpeckers, 70 Roadrunners and 61 Lommelerka.

For a complete species list click HERE

Ringing numbers
This season298
Detailed log

Reportasje fra Lista FS
i Aftenposten

Seasonal deviation
Arctic Tern1-97%
European Golden Plover2-97%
Great Skua1-96%
Common House Martin4-96%
Sedge Warbler4-95%
Greylag Goose1507+762%
Rock Dove104+596%
European Shag374+565%
Mute Swan66+547%
European Goldfinch109+522%
View deviation of seasons

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  Fuglefestival 2.-3. september 2023
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Fyrveien 6
NO-4563 Borhaug Tlf: 949 86 793