The bird observatory closes for the summer
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Grønnsisik Grønnsisk var blant de mest vanlige artene ringmerket under våren 2011.
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Aldersbestemmelse av Grønnsisik.
During the peak of the breeding season, from June 10 until July 15, Lista Bird Observatory closes its mist nets and ringing activities.
By M. Wold
The observatory had its last day of ringing activities for the spring on the 10th of June.
Total ringing numbers this season are 1065 birds, spead over 54 species. The three most common species this spring were blackbird, siskin and lesser redpoll. Compared to last spring, we can see that this year has been a good one for the lesser redpolls, with almost three times as many ringed birds. The number of ringed robins did however drop with about half.
The ringing totals for spring season 2010 and 2011 are:
Species | 2010 | 2011 |
Blackbird | 89 | 155 | Siskin | 73 | 135 | Les.Redpoll | 36 | 106 | Willow warbler | 140 | 91 | Robin | 115 | 52 |
Of the most exiting species ringed this season was wryneck, hawfinch and icterine warbler. We have also had three international retraps, one sisikin and a lesser ledpoll from Sweden, as well as a reed warbler from Denmark.
Sorry, but we are outside of the spring and autum seasons.
Detailed log