Species list 2011
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Lista Bird Obs. (complete list of species recorded).
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- Click on any species to display all observations for this species.
- For uncommon species and vagrants you can click on the artsobservasjoner.no-logo to display all observations of this species from the Lista Bird Obs. recording area.
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Species list Lista Bird Observatory
# |
Species list 2011 |
1 |
Ringgås |
Brant Goose |
Branta bernicla |
2 |
Kanadagås |
Canada Goose |
Branta canadensis |
3 |
Hvitkinngås |
Barnacle Goose |
Branta leucopsis |
4 |
Stripegås |
Bar-headed Goose |
Anser indicus |
5 |
Grågås |
Greylag Goose |
Anser anser |
6 |
Taigasædgås |
Taiga Bean Goose |
Anser fabalis |
7 |
Kortnebbgås |
Pink-footed Goose |
Anser brachyrhynchus |
8 |
Tundragås |
Greater White-fronted Goose |
Anser albifrons |
9 |
Knoppsvane |
Mute Swan |
Cygnus olor |
10 |
Sangsvane |
Whooper Swan |
Cygnus cygnus |
11 |
Gravand |
Common Shelduck |
Tadorna tadorna |
12 |
Knekkand |
Garganey |
Spatula querquedula |
13 |
Skjeand |
Northern Shoveler |
Spatula clypeata |
14 |
Snadderand |
Gadwall |
Mareca strepera |
15 |
Brunnakke |
Eurasian Wigeon |
Mareca penelope |
16 |
Stokkand |
Mallard |
Anas platyrhynchos |
17 |
Stjertand |
Northern Pintail |
Anas acuta |
18 |
Krikkand |
Common Teal |
Anas crecca |
19 |
Taffeland |
Common Pochard |
Aythya ferina |
20 |
Toppand |
Tufted Duck |
Aythya fuligula |
21 |
Bergand |
Greater Scaup |
Aythya marila |
22 |
Ærfugl |
Common Eider |
Somateria mollissima |
23 |
Sjøorre |
Velvet Scoter |
Melanitta fusca |
24 |
Svartand |
Common Scoter |
Melanitta nigra |
25 |
Havelle |
Long-tailed Duck |
Clangula hyemalis |
26 |
Kvinand |
Common Goldeneye |
Bucephala clangula |
27 |
Laksand |
Goosander |
Mergus merganser |
28 |
Siland |
Red-breasted Merganser |
Mergus serrator |
29 |
Vaktel |
Common Quail |
Coturnix coturnix |
30 |
Tårnseiler |
Common Swift |
Apus apus |
31 |
Gjøk |
Common Cuckoo |
Cuculus canorus |
32 |
Bydue |
Rock Dove |
Columba livia domestica |
33 |
Skogdue |
Stock Dove |
Columba oenas |
34 |
Ringdue |
Common Wood Pigeon |
Columba palumbus |
35 |
Turteldue |
European Turtle Dove |
Streptopelia turtur |
36 |
Tyrkerdue |
Eurasian Collared Dove |
Streptopelia decaocto |
37 |
Vannrikse |
Water Rail |
Rallus aquaticus |
38 |
Sivhøne |
Common Moorhen |
Gallinula chloropus |
39 |
Sothøne |
Eurasian Coot |
Fulica atra |
40 |
Trane |
Common Crane |
Grus grus |
41 |
Dvergdykker |
Little Grebe |
Tachybaptus ruficollis |
42 |
Gråstrupedykker |
Red-necked Grebe |
Podiceps grisegena |
43 |
Toppdykker |
Great Crested Grebe |
Podiceps cristatus |
44 |
Horndykker |
Horned Grebe |
Podiceps auritus |
45 |
Tjeld |
Eurasian Oystercatcher |
Haematopus ostralegus |
46 |
Vipe |
Northern Lapwing |
Vanellus vanellus |
47 |
Heilo |
European Golden Plover |
Pluvialis apricaria |
48 |
Tundralo |
Grey Plover |
Pluvialis squatarola |
49 |
Sandlo |
Common Ringed Plover |
Charadrius hiaticula |
50 |
Dverglo |
Little Ringed Plover |
Charadrius dubius |
51 |
Rødbrystlo |
Caspian Plover |
Charadrius asiaticus |
52 |
Boltit |
Eurasian Dotterel |
Eudromias morinellus |
53 |
Småspove |
Eurasian Whimbrel |
Numenius phaeopus |
54 |
Storspove |
Eurasian Curlew |
Numenius arquata |
55 |
Lappspove |
Bar-tailed Godwit |
Limosa lapponica |
56 |
Svarthalespove |
Black-tailed Godwit |
Limosa limosa |
57 |
Steinvender |
Ruddy Turnstone |
Arenaria interpres |
58 |
Polarsnipe |
Red Knot |
Calidris canutus |
59 |
Brushane |
Ruff |
Calidris pugnax |
60 |
Tundrasnipe |
Curlew Sandpiper |
Calidris ferruginea |
61 |
Temmincksnipe |
Temminck´s Stint |
Calidris temminckii |
62 |
Sandløper |
Sanderling |
Calidris alba |
63 |
Myrsnipe |
Dunlin |
Calidris alpina |
64 |
Fjæreplytt |
Purple Sandpiper |
Calidris maritima |
65 |
Dvergsnipe |
Little Stint |
Calidris minuta |
66 |
Bonapartesnipe |
White-rumped Sandpiper |
Calidris fuscicollis |
67 |
Rugde |
Eurasian Woodcock |
Scolopax rusticola |
68 |
Kvartbekkasin |
Jack Snipe |
Lymnocryptes minimus |
69 |
Enkeltbekkasin |
Common Snipe |
Gallinago gallinago |
70 |
Strandsnipe |
Common Sandpiper |
Actitis hypoleucos |
71 |
Skogsnipe |
Green Sandpiper |
Tringa ochropus |
72 |
Rødstilk |
Common Redshank |
Tringa totanus |
73 |
Damsnipe |
Marsh Sandpiper |
Tringa stagnatilis |
74 |
Grønnstilk |
Wood Sandpiper |
Tringa glareola |
75 |
Sotsnipe |
Spotted Redshank |
Tringa erythropus |
76 |
Gluttsnipe |
Common Greenshank |
Tringa nebularia |
77 |
Dvergmåke |
Little Gull |
Hydrocoloeus minutus |
78 |
Krykkje |
Black-legged Kittiwake |
Rissa tridactyla |
79 |
Hettemåke |
Black-headed Gull |
Chroicocephalus ridibundus |
80 |
Fiskemåke |
Mew Gull |
Larus canus |
81 |
Svartbak |
Great Black-backed Gull |
Larus marinus |
82 |
Polarmåke |
Glaucous Gull |
Larus hyperboreus |
83 |
Grønlandsmåke |
Iceland Gull |
Larus glaucoides |
84 |
Gråmåke |
Herring Gull |
Larus argentatus |
85 |
Gulbeinmåke |
Yellow-legged Gull |
Larus michahellis |
86 |
Sildemåke |
Lesser Black-backed Gull |
Larus fuscus |
87 |
Rovterne |
Caspian Tern |
Hydroprogne caspia |
88 |
Splitterne |
Sandwich Tern |
Thalasseus sandvicensis |
89 |
Makrellterne |
Common Tern |
Sterna hirundo |
90 |
Rødnebbterne |
Arctic Tern |
Sterna paradisaea |
91 |
Svartterne |
Black Tern |
Chlidonias niger |
92 |
Storjo |
Great Skua |
Stercorarius skua |
93 |
Polarjo |
Pomarine Jaeger |
Stercorarius pomarinus |
94 |
Tyvjo |
Parasitic Jaeger |
Stercorarius parasiticus |
95 |
Alkekonge |
Little Auk |
Alle alle |
96 |
Lomvi |
Common Murre |
Uria aalge |
97 |
Alke |
Razorbill |
Alca torda |
98 |
Teist |
Black Guillemot |
Cepphus grylle |
99 |
Lunde |
Atlantic Puffin |
Fratercula arctica |
100 |
Smålom |
Red-throated Loon |
Gavia stellata |
101 |
Storlom |
Black-throated Loon |
Gavia arctica |
102 |
Islom |
Common Loon |
Gavia immer |
103 |
Gulnebblom |
Yellow-billed Loon |
Gavia adamsii |
104 |
Havsvale |
European Storm-petrel |
Hydrobates pelagicus |
105 |
Stormsvale |
Leach´s Storm-petrel |
Hydrobates leucorhous |
106 |
Havhest |
Northern Fulmar |
Fulmarus glacialis |
107 |
Grålire |
Sooty Shearwater |
Ardenna grisea |
108 |
Havlire |
Manx Shearwater |
Puffinus puffinus |
109 |
Havsule |
Northern Gannet |
Morus bassanus |
110 |
Storskarv |
Great Cormorant |
Phalacrocorax carbo |
111 |
Toppskarv |
European Shag |
Gulosus aristotelis |
112 |
Gråhegre |
Grey Heron |
Ardea cinerea |
113 |
Fiskeørn |
Western Osprey |
Pandion haliaetus |
114 |
Vepsevåk |
European Honey Buzzard |
Pernis apivorus |
115 |
Kongeørn |
Golden Eagle |
Aquila chrysaetos |
116 |
Spurvehauk |
Eurasian Sparrowhawk |
Accipiter nisus |
117 |
Hønsehauk |
Northern Goshawk |
Accipiter gentilis |
118 |
Sivhauk |
Western Marsh Harrier |
Circus aeruginosus |
119 |
Myrhauk |
Hen Harrier |
Circus cyaneus |
120 |
Steppehauk |
Pallid Harrier |
Circus macrourus |
121 |
Glente |
Red Kite |
Milvus milvus |
122 |
Svartglente |
Black Kite |
Milvus migrans |
123 |
Havørn |
White-tailed Eagle |
Haliaeetus albicilla |
124 |
Fjellvåk |
Rough-legged Buzzard |
Buteo lagopus |
125 |
Musvåk |
Common Buzzard |
Buteo buteo |
126 |
Perleugle |
Tengmalm´s Owl |
Aegolius funereus |
127 |
Spurveugle |
Eurasian Pygmy Owl |
Glaucidium passerinum |
128 |
Hornugle |
Long-eared Owl |
Asio otus |
129 |
Jordugle |
Short-eared Owl |
Asio flammeus |
130 |
Hubro |
Eurasian Eagle Owl |
Bubo bubo |
131 |
Kattugle |
Tawny Owl |
Strix aluco |
132 |
Bieter |
European Bee-eater |
Merops apiaster |
133 |
Vendehals |
Eurasian Wryneck |
Jynx torquilla |
134 |
Tretåspett |
Three-toed Woodpecker |
Picoides tridactylus |
135 |
Dvergspett |
Lesser Spotted Woodpecker |
Dryobates minor |
136 |
Flaggspett |
Great Spotted Woodpecker |
Dendrocopos major |
137 |
Svartspett |
Black Woodpecker |
Dryocopus martius |
138 |
Grønnspett |
European Green Woodpecker |
Picus viridis |
139 |
Gråspett |
Grey-headed Woodpecker |
Picus canus |
140 |
Tårnfalk |
Common Kestrel |
Falco tinnunculus |
141 |
Dvergfalk |
Merlin |
Falco columbarius |
142 |
Lerkefalk |
Eurasian Hobby |
Falco subbuteo |
143 |
Jaktfalk |
Gyr Falcon |
Falco rusticolus |
144 |
Vandrefalk |
Peregrine Falcon |
Falco peregrinus |
145 |
Tornskate |
Red-backed Shrike |
Lanius collurio |
146 |
Varsler |
Great Grey Shrike |
Lanius excubitor |
147 |
Skjære |
Common Magpie |
Pica pica |
148 |
Nøttekråke |
Spotted Nutcracker |
Nucifraga caryocatactes |
149 |
Kaie |
Western Jackdaw |
Coloeus monedula |
150 |
Kornkråke |
Rook |
Corvus frugilegus |
151 |
Svartkråke |
Carrion Crow |
Corvus corone |
152 |
Kråke |
Hooded Crow |
Corvus cornix |
153 |
Ravn |
Common Raven |
Corvus corax |
154 |
Sidensvans |
Bohemian Waxwing |
Bombycilla garrulus |
155 |
Svartmeis |
Coal Tit |
Periparus ater |
156 |
Toppmeis |
Crested Tit |
Lophophanes cristatus |
157 |
Løvmeis |
Marsh Tit |
Poecile palustris |
158 |
Granmeis |
Willow Tit |
Poecile montanus |
159 |
Blåmeis |
Blue Tit |
Cyanistes caeruleus |
160 |
Kjøttmeis |
Great Tit |
Parus major |
161 |
Trelerke |
Wood Lark |
Lullula arborea |
162 |
Sanglerke |
Eurasian Skylark |
Alauda arvensis |
163 |
Fjellerke |
Horned Lark |
Eremophila alpestris |
164 |
Sandsvale |
Sand Martin |
Riparia riparia |
165 |
Låvesvale |
Barn Swallow |
Hirundo rustica |
166 |
Taksvale |
Common House Martin |
Delichon urbicum |
167 |
Amursvale |
Red-rumped Swallow |
Cecropis daurica |
168 |
Stjertmeis |
Long-tailed Tit |
Aegithalos caudatus |
169 |
Bøksanger |
Wood Warbler |
Phylloscopus sibilatrix |
170 |
Gulbrynsanger |
Yellow-browed Warbler |
Phylloscopus inornatus |
171 |
Løvsanger |
Willow Warbler |
Phylloscopus trochilus |
172 |
Gransanger |
Chiffchaff |
Phylloscopus collybita |
173 |
Sivsanger |
Sedge Warbler |
Acrocephalus schoenobaenus |
174 |
Rørsanger |
European Reed Warbler |
Acrocephalus scirpaceus |
175 |
Myrsanger |
Marsh Warbler |
Acrocephalus palustris |
176 |
Gulsanger |
Icterine Warbler |
Hippolais icterina |
177 |
Gresshoppesanger |
Common Grasshopper Warbler |
Locustella naevia |
178 |
Munk |
Blackcap |
Sylvia atricapilla |
179 |
Hagesanger |
Garden Warbler |
Sylvia borin |
180 |
Hauksanger |
Barred Warbler |
Curruca nisoria |
181 |
Møller |
Lesser Whitethroat |
Curruca curruca |
182 |
Tornsanger |
Common Whitethroat |
Curruca communis |
183 |
Fuglekonge |
Goldcrest |
Regulus regulus |
184 |
Gjerdesmett |
Eurasian Wren |
Troglodytes troglodytes |
185 |
Spettmeis |
Eurasian Nuthatch |
Sitta europaea |
186 |
Trekryper |
Eurasian Treecreeper |
Certhia familiaris |
187 |
Rosenstær |
Rose-coloured Starling |
Pastor roseus |
188 |
Stær |
Common Starling |
Sturnus vulgaris |
189 |
Måltrost |
Song Thrush |
Turdus philomelos |
190 |
Duetrost |
Mistle Thrush |
Turdus viscivorus |
191 |
Rødvingetrost |
Redwing |
Turdus iliacus |
192 |
Svarttrost |
Common Blackbird |
Turdus merula |
193 |
Gråtrost |
Fieldfare |
Turdus pilaris |
194 |
Ringtrost |
Ring Ouzel |
Turdus torquatus |
195 |
Gråfluesnapper |
Spotted Flycatcher |
Muscicapa striata |
196 |
Rødstrupe |
European Robin |
Erithacus rubecula |
197 |
Blåstrupe |
Bluethroat |
Luscinia svecica |
198 |
Dvergfluesnapper |
Red-breasted Flycatcher |
Ficedula parva |
199 |
Svarthvit Fluesnapper |
European Pied Flycatcher |
Ficedula hypoleuca |
200 |
Svartrødstjert |
Black Redstart |
Phoenicurus ochruros |
201 |
Rødstjert |
Common Redstart |
Phoenicurus phoenicurus |
202 |
Steintrost |
Common Rock Thrush |
Monticola saxatilis |
203 |
Buskskvett |
Whinchat |
Saxicola rubetra |
204 |
Svartstrupe |
Common Stonechat |
Saxicola rubicola |
205 |
Steinskvett |
Northern Wheatear |
Oenanthe oenanthe |
206 |
Ørkensteinskvett |
Desert Wheatear |
Oenanthe deserti |
207 |
Pilfink |
Eurasian Tree Sparrow |
Passer montanus |
208 |
Gråspurv |
House Sparrow |
Passer domesticus |
209 |
Jernspurv |
Dunnock |
Prunella modularis |
210 |
Gulerle |
Western Yellow Wagtail |
Motacilla flava |
211 |
Sitronerle |
Citrine Wagtail |
Motacilla citreola |
212 |
Vintererle |
Grey Wagtail |
Motacilla cinerea |
213 |
Linerle |
White Wagtail |
Motacilla alba |
214 |
Tartarpiplerke |
Richard´s Pipit |
Anthus richardi |
215 |
Markpiplerke |
Tawny Pipit |
Anthus campestris |
216 |
Heipiplerke |
Meadow Pipit |
Anthus pratensis |
217 |
Trepiplerke |
Tree Pipit |
Anthus trivialis |
218 |
Lappiplerke |
Red-throated Pipit |
Anthus cervinus |
219 |
Skjærpiplerke |
European Rock Pipit |
Anthus petrosus |
220 |
Bokfink |
Common Chaffinch |
Fringilla coelebs |
221 |
Bjørkefink |
Brambling |
Fringilla montifringilla |
222 |
Kjernebiter |
Hawfinch |
Coccothraustes coccothraustes |
223 |
Dompap |
Eurasian Bullfinch |
Pyrrhula pyrrhula |
224 |
Rosenfink |
Common Rosefinch |
Carpodacus erythrinus |
225 |
Grønnfink |
European Greenfinch |
Chloris chloris |
226 |
Bergirisk |
Twite |
Linaria flavirostris |
227 |
Tornirisk |
Common Linnet |
Linaria cannabina |
228 |
Gråsisik |
Common Redpoll |
Acanthis flammea |
229 |
Brunsisik |
Lesser redpoll |
Acanthis cabaret |
230 |
Furukorsnebb |
Parrot Crossbill |
Loxia pytyopsittacus |
231 |
Grankorsnebb |
Red Crossbill |
Loxia curvirostra |
232 |
Båndkorsnebb |
Two-barred Crossbill |
Loxia leucoptera |
233 |
Stillits |
European Goldfinch |
Carduelis carduelis |
234 |
Gulirisk |
European Serin |
Serinus serinus |
235 |
Grønnsisik |
Eurasian Siskin |
Spinus spinus |
236 |
Lappspurv |
Lapland Longspur |
Calcarius lapponicus |
237 |
Snøspurv |
Snow Bunting |
Plectrophenax nivalis |
238 |
Kornspurv |
Corn Bunting |
Emberiza calandra |
239 |
Gulspurv |
Yellowhammer |
Emberiza citrinella |
240 |
Rødbrystspurv |
Gray-necked Bunting |
Emberiza buchanani |
241 |
Hortulan |
Ortolan Bunting |
Emberiza hortulana |
242 |
Dvergspurv |
Little Bunting |
Emberiza pusilla |
243 |
Sivspurv |
Common Reed Bunting |
Emberiza schoeniclus |
Number of species 243 |